
February 04, 2019 - Construction, Energy And Efficiency, Interior

Why We Build Like We Do

Our passion is building beautiful homes

We have amazing clients who want us to build the home of their dreams or improve the home they still love.

No matter the case, we pride ourselves on maintaining excellent communication with them throughout the build. From the inception of Roadhouse Homes, your very own custom home builder Vancouver, we established and continue to follow processes and procedures that make for a successful building and renovating experience. Many of our former clients have stayed in touch and in fact, recommended us to their family and friends. We’re very appreciative of their continued friendship and for their support.

2018 was a rewarding year for us! Not only did we work on some amazing projects, but we received awards for two of them.

Our project ‘Breath of Fresh Air’ took home the top-prize for Best Kitchen Renovation at the Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Provincial ‘Georgie Awards’. In addition, we were thrilled to receive ‘Best Custom Home’ for our ‘Surf’s Up’ project at the National Awards of Housing Excellence. Winning these awards is exciting for our team, but more than that, we feel that it’s a vote of confidence for our clients.

It’s important to us as a ‘diverse-thinking’ builder, to educate ourselves on innovation and technology in the building industry. Our clients are hearing about ‘Net Zero’ and ‘Passive House’ in the media, but are unsure exactly what that means or whether it’s the right thing for them. Dale Roadhouse recently completed the Net Zero Energy Certification Course and is happy to discuss the benefits of these programs with homeowners to help them make the best choices.

2019 promises to be another exciting year for our company.

We’ll be participating in the BC Home and Garden Show, February 20-24. This is our opportunity to meet and talk to homeowners about their plans for building a new home or home renovations. We’re located at Booth #1108 and we hope that you’ll stop by! Bring your questions, your concerns…even your plans.

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