builders in vancouver

November 19, 2020 - Energy And Efficiency, Latest News

Pathway to Energy Efficiency

Dale Roadhouse, owner of Roadhouse Homes has achieved the designation of ‘Net Zero Trained Builder’, with the completion of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Net Zero Training courses.

It’s important to the renowned custom home builder in Vancouver – Roadhouse Homes team to understand and utilize the appropriate processes and techniques to achieve an energy efficiency pathway forward for their custom homes and renovations. They believe that the money that will be spent in designing and constructing a home that achieves higher energy performance, will reap the rewards for the homeowner in the years ahead. They’re concerned for our environment now and for the future!

Homeowners will benefit from educating themselves on the importance of the various energy efficient features available for their new or renovated home. Dale and his team can confidently answer your questions so that you can make an informed decision. In the early stages of a new project, Dale brings together the energy advisor, architect, and the designer to discuss the mechanical components, products, and processes with the homeowner. This collaboration is key to the overall success of the project.

Net Zero homes are becoming a trending topic today and homeowners often ask what this means to them. Net Zero Homes produce as much clean energy as they consume. Theses homes are up to 80% more energy efficient than typical new homes. They use renewable energy systems to produce the remaining energy they need. Every part of the house works together to provide consistent temperatures throughout, prevent drafts, and filter indoor air to reduce dust and allergens. This results in exceptional energy performance and the ultimate in comfort.

The Roadhouse team continues to educate themselves on the latest sustainable technologies. This is an exciting and challenging time in the home building industry and an excellent time for home owners to look at the sustainable opportunities while they are planning for home renovation Vancouver. If you’re considering a new home build or renovation, be sure and reach out to the Roadhouse Team.

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