Vancouver bathroom Renovation

March 05, 2023 - Condo Renovations, Home Renovation

How Long Does a Custom Home Renovation Take and Cost?

Whether it’s the first home you’ve ever owned or your third, the number one question most homeowners want to know after getting the full condo renovation cost is how long will it all take. And because no one wants to get their hopes up too soon or make plans before their custom home remodeling project is actually complete, we’re here to help shed some light on one of the trickiest parts of any renovation: the timeline.

How Long Does It Take to Renovate a House?

The short answer is it depends.

Full home renovations Vancouver can take anywhere from seven months up to a year or longer, but a smaller project like a standard bathroom renovation can take a few weeks. The bottom line is the length of your home remodelling project in Vancouver isn’t determined just by the construction companies you work with. But factors like the age of your home, the size of the space, level of design, and even site conditions such as whether or not you’ll be living on-site during the renovation all play a role in how long a project will take.

To get the best estimate for your custom home improvements, speak to your contractor, who should review all of your construction plans, including the timeline, during your pre-construction meeting.

Is it better to demolish my old home and build a new custom home or do a major renovation?

This is a commonly asked question by homeowners, and to answer it, the Roadhouse Homes Team would need to come out to inspect the home’s structure and discuss your goals to come to the best decision.

Ready to talk about your home renovation project?

If you’re looking for custom home remodelling in Vancouver, look no further than the Roadhouse Homes Team. With over twenty years of award-winning home-building and renovating experience, we can’t wait to help you bring new life to your home.

Learn more about us here:

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