Roadhouse Homes, residential home renovation

December 17, 2021 - Construction, Home Renovation, Interior

The 5 Most Common Design Mistakes New Homeowners Make

Remodelling your home is an exciting project for new homeowners that creates a medley of feelings of exhilaration, hope, and, without a doubt, stress.

While most of that looming negative stress can be eased by working with an experienced home renovations Vancouver company, we thought we’d compile a list of 5 design mistakes to help new homeowners avoid setbacks in their big project. So let’s dive right in:

Mistake #1: Failing to think long-term.

Home renovations give you the chance to create your forever home from scratch. Nevertheless, most new homeowners fail to think beyond the next five years.

To avoid making major pivots, think about possibilities like the chances of having new additions to the family, housing market trends, and even your health, for example.

Mistake #2: Becoming their own contractor.

You might be itching to put your skills to the test during your next home project, but to avoid future delays or things going wrong, it’s best to leave it up to the professionals.

Mistake #3: Expecting everything to go as planned.

There’s no such thing as too much planning, if you ask us, because the truth is, unexpected setbacks are bound to arise.

However, when you work with a team of home builders you can trust, rest assured that they’ll help you plan for the unexpected and be there to get things back on track!

Mistake #4: Forgetting about functionality.

It’s easy to get lost in the daydreams of your new and improved home. But when it comes to designing a space that works for you and your family, it’s essential to reel the daydreams in and consider functionality alongside aesthetics.

Mistake #5: Waiting too long to consult a contractor.

Before you run free with your vision of your dream home, the best thing homeowners could do for themselves is to bring a trusted contractor on board early on in the process.

This way, your contractor can help determine the best path forward for your Vancouver home renovations while helping you avoid major surprises down the road.

Ready to tackle your home renovations the expert way?

The Roadhouse Homes Team is here to help! With years of renovation experience in the Vancouver area, we understand the unique challenges homeowners face, and we’re ready to walk you through it every step of the way.

Get in touch with us today!

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